36. |
(March 3 - 7, 2025) |
(Organizing a minisymposium on DA in SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE25) |
Fort Worth, Texas, USA |
35. |
(Feb 28, 2025) |
(Seminar Talk) Math Department, Texas A & M |
Texas, USA |
34. |
(Feb 26, 2025) |
(Colloquium Talk) Scientific Department, Florida State University |
Florida, USA |
33. |
(Feb 20-22, 2025) |
(Conference Talk) The Fourth International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, American University of Sharjah |
Sharjah, UAE |
32. |
(Feb 16, 2025) |
(Seminar Online Talk) UQ Hybrid Seminar, department of mathematics, RWTH Aachen University |
Germany |
31. |
(Dec 16 - 20, 2024) |
(Conference) 14th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, NYU Abu Dhabi |
Abu Dhabi, UAE |
30. |
(Dec 12 - 14, 2024) |
(Conference) MathConnect 2024: International Conference on Mathematics and its Aplications, KFUPM |
Dahran, SA |
29. |
(Sep 6, 2024) |
(Symposium) ISDA-Online: Open Session on Data Assimilation |
28. |
(Mar 25, 2024) |
(Seminar talk) Department of Statistics and Data Science, Washington University in St. Louis |
Missouri, USA |
27. |
(Jan 01, 2024) |
(Invited talk) IESE Department, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA |
Illinois, USA |
26. |
(Oct 16, 2023) |
The International Symposium on Data Assimilation (ISDA) |
Bologna, Italy |
25. |
(Sep 27, 2023) |
Seminar talk in the Stochastic Seminar at New York University Abu Dhabi(Invited talk) |
Abu Dhabi, UAE |
24. |
(Jun. 30, 2023) |
24th STUOD Sandbox Workshop on Data Assimilation Theory and Application, Imperial College London (Invited talk) |
London, UK |
23. |
(Jan. 4, 2023) |
(Conference talk) Joint Mathematics Meeting 2023 |
Boston, MA, USA |
22. |
(Nov. 28, 2022) |
The Applied Mathematics School - AMCS/CEMSE - KAUST (Invited talk) |
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia |
21. |
(Sep. 30, 2022) |
Department of Statistics, Imperial College London |
London, UK |
20. |
(Sep. 26, 2022) |
3rd Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics Annual Workshop, Imperial College London |
London, UK |
19. |
(Jul. 29, 2022) |
7th Palestinian Conference on Modern Trends in Mathematics, Birzeit University |
Birzeit, Palestine |
18. |
(Jul. 2022) |
15th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo
Methods in Scientific Computing |
Linz, Austria |
17. |
(Jul. 2022) |
The IMS Annual Meeting in Probability and Statistics, University of London |
London, UK |
16. |
(Jun. 2022) |
Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) Workshop |
Balestrand, Norway |
15. |
(Apr. 2022) |
University of Tennessee (Seminar on Data Science, invited talk) |
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA |
14. |
(Apr. 2022) |
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification |
Atlanta, Georgia, USA |
13. |
(Dec. 2021) |
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Graduate Seminar, invited talk, virtual) |
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia |
12. |
(Nov. 2021) |
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Guest Lecturer) |
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia |
11. |
(Nov. 2021) |
New Jersey Institute of Technology (Seminar on Optimization and Machine Learning, invited talk, Virtual) |
Newark, New Jersey, USA |
10. |
(Aug. 2021) |
The 13th International Conference on Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, University of Mannheim (Virtual) |
Mannheim, Germany |
9. |
(Mar. 2019) |
Colorado State University - Department of Mathematics (Invited talk) |
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA |
8. |
(Oct. 2018) |
University of Tennessee - Department of Mathematics (Seminar on Numerical Mathematics) |
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA |
7. |
(Oct. 2018) |
University of Tennessee - Department of Material Sciences and Engineering (Invited talk) |
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA |
6. |
(Jul. 2018) |
SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science |
Portland, Oregon, USA |
5. |
(Jun. 2018) |
Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences, 2018 Meeting of Mathematical Problems in Industry |
Claremont, California, USA |
4. |
(Feb. 2018) |
University of Tennessee - Department of Mathematics (Seminar on Numerical Mathematics) |
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA |
3. |
(Sep. 2017) |
University of Tennessee - Department of Mathematics (Seminar on Numerical Mathematics) |
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA |
2. |
(Jun. 2017) |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, GSMMC 2017 Summer Camp |
Troy, New York, USA |
1. |
(Nov. 2016) |
University of Tennessee - Department of Mathematics (Seminar on Numerical Mathematics) |
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA |